Common Ground
compassion based communication & yoga

My name is Merel Maria Meessen. My work is to create safe and sacred spaces where you can turn inward and do your "inner gardening": transforming old conditioning into conscious embodiment. In these spaces we cultivate inner awareness, peace, health and natural happiness.
I guide transformative ceremonies with psilocybin truffles and I offer yoga classes and transformative breathwork. I also offer workshops, trainings and coaching based on Nonviolent Communication.
My intention is to live and work in harmony with the nature of reality and
serve the wellbeing of all of life.
About guiding ceremony
As guides of truffle and plant medicine work, I find transparency of our relationship with the medicine and our experience with this work of vital importance. Therefor I share a few words about my journey into guiding in ceremony here.

My education & training
Yoga & related trainings
- Yin Yoga Teacher Training (200h)
Skadi v Paasschen, Johan Noorloos, De Nieuwe Yogaschool,
- Breath Coaching (150h)
Peter Vermeiren, Sijbrand Maal, Mariken Hogenhout, Johan Noorloos, De Nieuwe Yogaschool
- Yin & Traditional Chinese Medicine (50h)
Alison Melvin, De Nieuwe Yogaschool
- Restorative and Mindfulness (50h)
Alison Melvin, De Nieuwe Yogaschool
- Pranayama (10h)
Moena de Jong, De Nieuwe Yogaschool
- Kriya Yoga initiation
Kriya Yoga center Sterksel
- Basic Alignment (6w)
Sadhu Valakhilyas & Léah Kline
- Het Levenswiel, shamanic apprenticeship (1y)
School van Ascensie, Jan-Pieter Schreur
- Presence Experience (1w)
Leonard Jacobson, Mount Madonna (USA)
- Mindfulness training (8w)
Mindful Flow, Eveline Zoomers
- Follow-up Mindfulness training (5w)
Mindful Flow, Eveline Zoomers
- Shin Do 1 (Rigpa Energetic Healing)
Jose Antonio Manchado
- Het Gouden Hart (1y)
A one-year yoga center/project that I initiated and ran.
Nonviolent Communication
- Year course Embodying and Teaching NVC
Connecting2 Life, Yoram Mosenzon
- Year course NVC Mediation
Connecting2 Life, Yoram Mosenzon
- Living Compassion (6w)
Connecting2Life, Nadine Helm
- NVC & community building (3d)
with Kelly Bryson
- NVC Certification Event (4d), attending as community member
- Mediation course (12w)
Connecting2 Life, Yoram Mosenzon
- Intermediate course (10w) - twice
Connecting2 Life, Yoram Mosenzon
- Beginner's course (10w)
Connecting2 Life, Yoram Mosenzon
- Year Course Embodying & Teaching NVC 2019-2020
Connecting2 Life, Yoram Mosenzon
- Mediation Year Course 2020
Connecting2 Life, Yoram Mosenzon
- Beginner's Course (10w)
Connecting2 Life, Yoram Mosenzon
- Intermediate Course (12w)
Connecting2 Life, Yoram Mosenzon
- Advanced Course (10w)
Connecting2 Life, Yoram Mosenzon
- NVC Global Festival workshops
Connecting2 Life, Yoram Mosenzon
- Living Compassion Course (8w)
Connecting2 Life, Nadine Helm
- Basic Course (3d)
Connecting2 Life, Nadine Helm
- Basic Course (8w)
Connecting2 Life, Daisy Delgado
Academic & transition related
- MA International relations
Specialization: Transitions to Sustainability Theory & the
ecovillage movement
University of Amsterdam
- BA Journalism
Specialization: news & writing
Hogeschool Utrecht
- Ecosystem Restoration Design (6mo)
Ecosystem Restoration Camps
- Transition 2 Resilience (1w)
Findhorn Foundation, Scotland
- Dragon Dreaming: integral
project-management (1w)
John Croft, at Sieben Linden
- Take the Future in Your
Hands (1w)
Pandora Association, Hungary
- Communicating Corporate
Social Responsibility
MOOC by University of Louvain